"Dedicated to raising the standards and levels of visual and aesthetic literacy while strengthening and supporting learning in all areas of the curriculum."
The Arts in Education service supports the arts and arts-integrated learning experiences for K-12 students and teacher. Arts activities include workshops, assembly programs, demonstrations, residencies and field experiences in literary arts, visual arts, music, media arts, theatre and dance.
Each district designates an arts liaison to oversee the program at the building level and facilitate the administrative approval process. This resource enables students, teacher and the school community to participate in arts learning experiences, integrate the arts into other curriculum and gain an understanding of the artistic process.
The Arts in education Coser is dedicated to raising the standards and levels of visual and aesthetic literacy through participatory programs with the New York Philharmonic and Carnegie Hall as well as local arts agencies, alliances, residencies and institutions of higher learning.
The Coser is an invaluable service in the dissemination of educational resources available statewide as well as in and around this region. The Coser is instrumental in helping teachers connect these resources. Professional development for teachers will complement the NY State Common Core Learning standards and include the following:
- Visual Thinking Strategies
- Arts Across the Curriculum
- NYS Arts Assessment
- Portfolio Projects
- Creating high-quality arts-rich programs and environments
The Arts in Education program closely aligns Learning Standards in the Arts by providing workshops and seminars for teachers bringing them up to date with current trends and research.