The learning tech service provides enhanced instructional technology support designed to assist participating districts with meeting their instructional technology needs. The BOCES will assist districts with instructional technology planning, including the acquisition and implementation of
instructional hardware and software, as well as supplying technical assistance with shared network administrators and LAN technicians who are trained to support educational networks and troubleshoot technology issues in a school setting. These services will be supported by the BOCES
Model Schools team, who will provide professional development and technical assistance.
Learning Technology Tech Support - Coser 550.050
Shared technicians are available in an itinerant configuration for up to three days per week (156 days per year) per job title. Components will receive in-district technical service corresponding to the job title coupled with advice/guidance from the BOCES technology department knowledge bank.
Current shared technician titles are:
• Local Area Network Technician
• Network Administrator
This service provides support for the school district's implementation of Education Law 2-d requirements. This service includes an online tool to assist with the management of controls and policies to meet the ever-changing cybersecurity regulations.
Cyber Security Consultant - Coser 550.085
The service includes regional sessions, one on-site presentation, and access to resources and support by a cyber security consultant.
The NYS Instructional Technology Contract Consortium allows BOCES to hold State Contracts for various Instructional Technology programs. Sullivan BOCES works with Erie 1 BOCES/WNYRIC directly to negotiate and manage the multiple statewide contracts. This service is cost-effective and an efficient way to provide additional resources to assist our districts and those of Orange and Ulster Counties.